Friday 2 February 2018

Week Beginning 29.01.18

This week our story was Hansel and Gretel. We are really focusing on the language and the structure of stories so that the children begin to use these in their writing. We are also practising writing cvc (e.g. cat) words so that we are using our phonic knowledge accurately and the children will begin doing this independently.

In maths we have been writing teen numbers, learning about time (o'clock and half past) and sequencing events according to time. It has been good to hear the children talking about time and money in their play.

The children have been enjoying staying dry under the new canopies with the horrible weather we have had this week. It's nice for them to get back to normal free flow between the outside area and both Reception classrooms.

The children have also been enjoying free flow library time where they have the option on a Friday afternoon of going to spend time in the library.

This week the children have been baking scones (if they have chosen to) and with successful results!

Please can we ask you to stand on the outside of the line when lining up on a morning so that the adults can make their way down the line easily. Thank you!

We will be having a bake sale next week which you will get a letter about tonight. The support we had last time was amazing so hopefully we'll be able to raise a good amount again.

Have a good weekend!

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